Brand Toolkit
Adhering to guidelines is crucial for maintaining the consistency and integrity of our brand. By respecting these directives, we foster positive collaborations and uphold the esteemed reputation of the AVEX brand within the Web3 community.
Our Logos
Coming soon.
Usage Guidelines
In the ever-evolving Web3 landscape, maintaining a consistent and well-managed brand identity is essential for a credible, transparent, and harmonious presence. Our carefully designed AVEX icons ensure easy recognition and accessibility in this diverse digital ecosystem. To promote proper usage and foster collaborative engagement, we provide the following brand guidelines:
Permitted Activities:
Social Media Articles: Feel free to use our icons in creating social articles, but ensure proper attribution to the source.
Official Collaborations: For commercial partnerships, you may prominently display the AVEX emblem across various channels with our explicit consent, indicating an official collaboration.
Prohibited Activities:
Commercial Articles: Strictly avoid creating derivatives that incorporate our brand assets for sale without clearly indicating the source.
Unauthorized Promotions: Using our brand symbol materials for promotional purposes that suggest a collaborative relationship with us, without obtaining our prior authorization, is not allowed.
Competing Offerings: Developing products or services that directly compete with or replicate our offerings, including using the icon with similar attributes or establishing another AVEX social platform, is strictly prohibited.
Last updated